The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Review - My Honest Opinion

The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Review
First of all, I would like to welcome you to my 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet review.

Probably, the most common reason why people give up their diet plan in the midway is, they lose motivation to follow it. This is why long-term program (1-3 months) provide results to very few people.

We are living in a fast and pacey world in which we want to achieve our goals quickly. Similarly, when it comes to getting weight loss results, I always prefer a short-term diet plan that offers quick weight loss results.

Recently, a new diet plan that grabs my attention is the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet by Josh Houghton. It is available on

I decided to get this program and go through it to share my opinion in this review. So, if you are interested in getting this program or you have some doubts about it, then this review will help you.

What Is 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet?

This weight loss plan is for people who want to get fast weight loss results.
2 Weeks For Results!
Josh designed this weight loss plan for only 14 days because many people don't like month-long diet plans. They quickly lose motivation and give up in the midway.

This plan is about eating healthy proteins, fats, and carbs from veggies. Yes, that's right!

When you start following this, it will help in reducing inflammation, and your body will burn stored fat.

Furthermore, you will have more energy, the pain will go away, your brain fog will disappear, and your focus will improve.

This is all by eating the right foods!

You will be getting different meal options for breakfast, lunch. and dinner, and you can prepare the same recipe multiple times if you like it.

However, it is good to prepare each recipe for once and then stick with those you like.

Oh. Before I forget, the diet plan provided in this program lasts for 7 days, and you have to repeat it two times to complete one cycle of the diet plan.

Many people are doing multiple cycles of the program because it is easy, delicious, and above all, delivering results every week.

There are five rules of this diet plan that I will share in the below section.

5 Rules Of Rapid Soup Diet

5 Rules Of Josh's 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet:

These are the five rules of 14 Day Rapid Soup Diet, and make sure you don't break them. If you break it, then you have to start all over again.

So take a look at the five rules of the Rapid Soup Diet.
  • Monitor Your Progress: I guess this is important before using any program. You have to weigh yourself and also take measurements so that you can track your progress. Note down the measurements around your waist, hips, and thighs. Do this step after every 14 days. No Snacks: There is no option for snacking. You will have to stick. with just breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can have a little extra in your meal to pass this snacking time. You don't have to get any solid food between the meals, but liquid (water, tea with no sugar) is allowed. This may seem difficult, but your body will get used to this meal plan.
  • Use 1-2 tsp. Salt: Salt is an important nutrient in your body. Basically, this plan recommends Keto Soups so you will be cutting carbs from your diet. During this period, your body will lose a lot of water weight, and along with that, it loses salt. You'll overcome your salt needs by taking 1-2 tsp salt. If you can, use sea salt or pink salt.
  • 12-Hour Fasting: You have to do this 12-hour fasting every day when following this program. You can do this from dinner to the next morning breakfast. If you have eaten your dinner at 8 pm, then your next meal will be at 8 am in the next morning. This way, you can complete 12-hour fasting without much struggle.
  • Listen to Your Stomach: Yes, that's true! We often eat when we are not hungry. So you have to take care of it and avoid eating if you are not hungry. If you are feeling full at lunchtime, you can have some water and avoid eating.
Let's take a look at what you will going to find inside the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet program:

An Inside Look At Rapid Soup Diet Program:

#1-14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Book:

In this book, you will learn how you can use this diet plan and get maximum results from it.

This book contains recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is up to you to keep using a single recipe in 14 days plan or want to try different recipes.

I suggest trying every recipe because these are quick recipes. and don't take much of your time. This way, you can use recipes that you like.

#2-Immunity Boosting Soup Recipes:

Having a strong immune system is very crucial these days.

This book contains recipes that can strengthen your immune system and the best part is these recipes contain delicious foods so you can stick with it for a longer period.

You can select any of the soup recipes and prepare them for lunch or dinner to make your immune system strong.

#3 - Weekend Soup Detox:

This book contains some delicious soup recipes that you can use and also drop some weight. This is a very popular book in this program as people are losing as much as five pounds by using these soup detox recipes.

These detox soups are optional, but if you want quick weight loss results, then consider preparing recipes listed in this book.

#4-Keto Soup Cookbook:

This book will teach you how you can implement the Keto concept into this soup diet. Keto diet is a very popular weight loss diet, and many people lost weight with the help of this diet.

Keto diet delivers amazing results because when the body starts burning fat for energy, results come really fast.

This book provides 30 Keto-powered soup recipes so that you can burn fat fast and quick.

#5-Rapid Soup Diet Quick Start Guide:

This book will allow you to learn about the soup diet in real quick time.

Everything is laid inside this book, from a grocery shopping list to plan your meal (aka meal-timing)

And if you are confused about anything, then you can send an email to the author, and he will answer your question.

#6 - Keto Immunity Smoothies:

If you are in a hurry and don't have time to prepare your foods, then you can use Keto smoothies provided in this book as a replacement for your recipe.

These are not your sweet smoothies that add extra inches to your waistline. In fact, these are fat burning smoothies that take five minutes to prepare and provide fat burning results.

[Exclusive] Get 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet With Bonuses At Maximum Discounted Price

PROS and CONs Of 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet

Now, it is time to look at the pros and cons of the 14-Day Soup Diet.

So let's start with the cons:

The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet CONS:

  • No Exercise: The first thing that comes to my mind is there is no exercise in this program. Weight loss is a combination of diet and exercise. However, with the absence of exercise, results come slowly. If you need quick results, you need to perform some kind of exercise in your routine.
  • Fasting Period: Fasting is one of the quickest and effective ways of losing weight quickly. However, some people don't like it because fasting is difficult in the beginning few days. Fasting has many benefits so you should not avoid it if your target is to lose weight quickly.
  • Short-Term Diet: A soup diet is one of the quickest ways to lose weight however, this type of diet is only suitable for the short- term. You should never continue with the soup diet for more than a month or two.
  • Adverse Effects: According to research, the soup diet can help you lose 10 pounds (4.5 Kg) in a single week but it can make you feel hungry, tired, and weak. It is better to monitor your health, and if you feel any symptoms, stop using the soup diet.

The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet PROs:

Quick Results: Yes, the soup diet can help you in losing up to 10 pounds in a single week. And the good news is, you don't have to do any exercise to lose weight with this diet. Just follow the plan laid in this program and you get results.
  • Short-Term Diet: Many people like following a short-term diet as compared to a long-term diet. Many diets that provide quick results are not suitable for the long-term. And honestly speaking. long-term diets are very much boring.
  • Easy-to-Follow: We all are living in a fast and busy world. We don't have time to prepare hour-long recipes. A soup diet is a good alternative, as it is a fast and easy-to-follow diet. You only have to prepare soup with 3 or 4 ingredients and store it for a day or two.
  • Scientifically-Proven: Many studies proved that soup consumption linked to a reduced risk of overweight and obesity. People who consume soup can manage their weight more effectively as compared to people who don't. The exact reason is unknown, but scientists believe it is due to the feeling of fullness people get by consuming soup in their afternoon meal.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet contains 60 days money-back guarantee that means you can try out this program without any risk for 60 days. This trial-period is enough to lose weight and get the body shape that you always wanted to have.

Should You Buy 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet?

Truly speaking, I would only recommend this Rapid Soup Diet to those who are ready to put on their efforts.

As you can see, the rules of this diet plan are very strict, and I know many people can't go 12 hours without eating food. So if you are ready to follow these rules, then join this program.

Once you join the program, then don't let the files sit in your folder.

As soon as you can access the members' area, start reading these books, these are short, and you can complete in a few hours. Once you have done reading these books, collect foods you will need for the next seven days.

This program WORKS! If you implement this diet plan, you can experience weight loss results, and you will be proud of deciding to try this soup diet plan.

Trust me, it feels good when the weight scale goes down, and your old clothes start fitting again.

Note down your weight before starting this plan and don't weigh again before the two weeks. In this beginning, the weight will come off quickly, but it will slow down as you progress because you will have less weight to lose.

So that's it from this 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet review. If you still have any questions then feel free to post it below in the comment box.

I hope this review has cleared all your doubts. If you are ready to join, do it now as your investment in this program is completely protected with 60 days money-back guarantee.
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