10 Tips to Keep Heart Healthy

Tips to Keep Heart Healthy

We all know about the heart. The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body as it plays a lead role in the cardiovascular system in the human body. Cardiovascular disease is a heart-related disease that commonly includes various heart diseases such as failure of the heart, stroke, cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease, and Congenital heart disease. CVD (Cardiovascular disease) is simply described as a disease of blood vessels and the heart which is a sign of the improper working of blood vessels and the heart. The heart is responsible for the overall function of the circulatory system of the human body as it pumps blood through vessels. As we all know blood will be responsible for providing oxygen and nutrients to the whole body and helping to remove metabolic wastes from the body to keep your heart healthy. 

Heart disease is one of the major and common causes of death. An increase in blood pressure is the result of fats in the body which increase the extra work of your heart as it pumps blood throughout the body. So try to lower your body weight which will increase the life of your heart health. Cholesterol plays a very important role in heart health. Basically, there are two types of Cholesterol Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol. Bad Cholesterol is found in foods having saturated fats like animal proteins which difficult for the heart to circulate blood and may lead to an increase in the risk of causing CVD (cardiovascular disease). Following are the Heart Health tips which will help you to keep your heart healthy and Sweet. Let's follow the best health tips for your heart to keep you free from heart disease.

1.  Stop Smoking

We heard many times smoking may lead to heart stroke got resulted in death. Here I am explaining in short how smoking may lead to the cause of heart disease. Smoking Cigarettes may increase the risk of causing coronary heart disease. As we discuss above cholesterol plays a very important role in heart health. Smoking decrease the Good Cholesterol level in the body responsible for heart disease. As tobacco contain chemicals that may harm the body's cell of our body. Smoking not only affects the heart but also each and every organ in the body as it harms the eyes, lungs, heart, blood vessels, and many more. According to a report, there are more than 2.4 million deaths annually deaths caused because of smoking in the US. So try to avoid tobacco smoking to reduce the risk of heart and other diseases.

2.  Maintain the Blood Pressure

As we already discussed above Increase in blood pressure is the result of fats in the body which increase the extra work of your heart as it pumps the blood throughout the body. High blood pressure allows our heart to pump blood more forcefully than the average level may cause the risk of coronary heart disease, chest pain, heart failure, and Coronary heart disease. So try to lower the blood pressure to lower the risk of heart disease.

3.  Exercise regularly

Exercise is one of the world's best ways to not keep your heart healthy but also your whole body. There are dozens of advantages of regular exercise. Regular exercise helps lower blood pressure helps to lowers the risk of heart disease. Exercise also helps to lower the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol which directly helps to improve your heart health. Exercise plays a very important role in burning calories and reduces the risk of heart failure. According to research, it proves that practicing yoga regularly helps you to be relaxed by releasing stress and affects heart rates positively.

4. Try to eat fish

Study shows that fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids will help to lower the risk of heart disease. I will recommend you some fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish such as herring, salmon, mackerel, and tuna are rich in omega-3 fatty acids so try to eat these fish twice a week which will reduce the risk of heart disease.

5.  Try to take less alcohol

According to a study, it shows that excessive drinking of alcohol may result in weight gain responsible for high blood pressure resulting in heart disease. High consumption of Alcohol also affects your muscles. The heart's main function is to pump the blood in the body as excessive alcohol responsible for high blood pressure so the heart can’t work properly may cause heart failure resulting in premature death. So try to take less alcohol to keep your heart healthy.

6.  Try to be friendly

Try to make friends and spent some of your time with them. Try to arrange social activities with friends like singing songs, laughing, and listening to music which helps to reduce stress by creating a positive environment around you which is helpful for a healthy heart. So make friends and keep your heart healthy.

7.  Try to avoid saturated fats

It's not like all fats are harmful to the body but foods containing high amounts of saturated fats have high amounts of Cholesterol. As Cholesterol plays a very important role in a healthy life. As saturated fat is responsible for increasing Bad cholesterol and a decrease in Good Cholesterol it leads to the risk of heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. So try to avoid foods containing saturated fats to lower the risk of heart disease to keep your heart healthy.

8.  Eat Chocolate

Dark chocolate is not just delicious but also helps to keep your heart healthy. So instead of eating milk chocolate try to eat dark and rich chocolate which will help in blood clotting.

9.  Try to add fruits and Vegetables to your Diet

Fruits and Vegetables play a vital role in Healthy life. As fruits and vegetables are a rich source of Vitamins, minerals, and fiber which are responsible for good health. So try to add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet which will help you to keep fit and healthy by lowering the risk of heart disease.

10. Try to Know Your Numbers

Try to visit your health consultant for regular checkups. Try to check your blood pressure, cholesterol, and Blood pressure which are most important for heart good health. Try to know the required levels of it and start activities according to it.
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